I have been a bit slack of late.... so much to do... so little time lol. But im always taking photos...
Here is Angus the spider..... Bill the stick creature.... and Cookie the Kookaburra. All in our backyard!
My girl had her Easter Hat Parade on the last day of term 1. I tried my hand at paper mache. yeah im not a fan lol. I was still trying to dry the thing that morning! But i ended up doing a giant egg on a hat for her. She liked it but it was a bit heavy (although she is exaggerating the weight in the last photo!!!)..
J riding her bike along the foreshore at Wangi with Daddy. She got the bike at Christmas and is going really well on it.
Oh Rory, the fun i am going to have with you on your 21st with photos like these. See how i have edited the photo using the flower? Well it wont be edited on 21st party night *insert evil laugh*...
My girl loves to draw things, and lately i am finding these pictures all over the house stuck to things with sticky tape... very cute!
I love this photo... Wayne trying to eat his toast while J and Tricky are both helping themselves too!
Rory has finally started to interact more with Tricky. This is the first time he was on his shoulder. btw Tricky's nicknames are: Shit-fer, Turbo (as in turbo oven - were gonna cook him up lol) and CatBait. Never fear, he is well loved and cant understand his names lol.
100 Scots words from OUTLANDER
1 week ago